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Magnetni nevtralizatorji vodnega kamna


• 70% reduced scale build-up, without the use of chemicals.

• Descaling without power.

• The device does not pollute the environment.

• Small dimensions.

• Simple assembly.


Under the influence of the magnetic field through which the water flows, the structure of the crystals of solid substances changes so that water molecules begin to bind to them as pendants. Suspended particles are carried by the water through the pipes and throughout the entire water system. Under pressure in a closed system (space), however, these particles are expelled (argonite).

With the magnetic scale neutralizer, excellent results are achieved in various fields of application. We recommend installing a mechanical filter before the neutralizer. We are happy to help you with any additional information.

Vodni kamen braz uporabe magnetnega nevtralzatorja
Vodni kaen z uporabo megnetnega nevtralizatorja

* SEM images of limescale  produced by the "JOŽEF STEFAN" INSTITUTE Ljubljana Slovenia Serial no. analysis: A-1431

Magnetic neutralizer R 1/2

Magnetni nevtralizator vodnega kamna R1/2
  • Connection R 1/2

  • Brass housing

  • A brass tube core and 12,000 Gauss neodymium magnets

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017080026

Magnetic neutralizer R 3/4

Magnetni nevtralizator R3-4.jpg
  • Connector R 3/4

  • Brass housing

  • Core made of brass tube and neodymium magnets with a power of 12,000 Gauss

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017080033

Magnetic neutralizer R 1

Magnetni nevtralizator vodnega kamna R1
  • Connector R 1

  • Brass housing

  • Core made of brass tube and neodymium magnets with a power of 12,000 Gauss

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017080040

Magnetic neutralizer R 5/4

Magnetni nevtralizator 54.jpg
  • Connector R 5/4

  • Brass housing

  • Core made of brass tube and neodymium magnets with a power of 12,000 Gauss

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017080057

Magnetic neutralizer R 6/4

Magnetni nevtralizator 54.jpg
  • Connecotr R 6/4

  • Brass housing

  • Core made of brass tube and neodymium magnets with a power of 12,000 Gauss

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017080293

Magnetic neutralizer R 2

Magnetni nevtralizator R 64.jpg
  • Connector: R 2

  • Brass housing

  • Core made of brass tube and neodymium magnets with a power of 12,000 Gauss

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017080309

Magnetic neutralizer R 3

Magnetni nevtralizator R3 and R2.jpg
  • Connector: R 3

  • Brass housing

  • Core made of brass tube and neodymium magnets with a power of 12,000 Gauss

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017080323

Magnetic neutralizer R 2.5

Magnetni nevtralizator R3 and R2.jpg
  • Connector R 2,5

  • Brass housing

  • Core made of brass tube and neodymium magnets with a power of 12,000 Gauss

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017080316

Magnetic neutralizer for the shower

Magnetni nevtralizaor vodnega kamna za tuš
  • Connector R 1/2

  • Brass housing

  • Core made of brass tube and neodymium magnets with a power of 12,000 Gauss

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017080545

Magnetic neutralizer For washing machine

Magnetni nevtralizaor vodnega kamna za pralni stroj
  • Connector: R 3/4

  • Brass housing

  • Core made of brass tube and neodymium magnets with a power of 12,000 Gauss

  • No additional maintenance is required

  • Max temperature 90

  • max pressure: 12bar

  • Product code: 3830017082853

Magnetni nevtralizator za pralni stroj
Magnetni nevtralizator za TUŠ


Vodna podtalnica vsebuje različne rudninske snovi in minerale. Navadno je največ kalcija in magnezija. Zato taki vodi rečemo »trda«. Trda voda vsebuje različno število prostih ionov kalcija in magnezija (trde soli). Merimo jo v trdotnih stopinjah (nemških ali francoskih). Nemška trdotna stopinja pomeni, da se nahaja v litru vode 28 mg kalcijevega oksida, ali 24 mg magnezijevega oksida, oz. mili ekvivalentov vseh snovi na 1 liter vode.



Nalaganje vodnega kamna na stenah cevi, v rezervoarjih in na grelcih. Povzroča velike stroške zaradi poškodb na vodnih napravah. Znatno se poveča tudi poraba energije za ogrevanje. Z debelino plasti vodnega kamna raste tudi poraba el. energije. Poleg tega povzroča nastajanje vodnega kamna težave tudi v industriji, v tehnoloških procesih.



V izogib visokim stroškom in motnjam, ki nastajajo zaradi nalaganja vodnega kamna, smo temeljito raziskali možnosti preprečevanja. Na podlagi dolgotrajnih in dragih preizkusov smo razvili napravo, ki bo zadovoljila vsakega uporabnika MAGNETNEGA NEVTRALIZATORJA VODNEGA KAMNA.

Tested at ZRMK Ljubljana, no. DN 5 / 533-204 / 123/91 Brass plastic water filter in composite materials that are in contact with drinking water and manufactured in accordance with Directive 80/778 / EEC for the enjoyment of the manufacturing process SEM images of limescale were made by the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, serial no. analysis: A-1431Ljubljana, order no. analysis A-1431


R= Thread size

L= Neutraliser length

L1= thread length

Fid= Outer radius of neutraliser

Q= Water flow [m3/h]

Črtna koda=Product code

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